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Ulysses Mennonite Brethren Church

837 North Baughman


To be Spirit Empowered to Transform Individuals into a Radiant Community!


Through intimacy with God and the strength of His Spirit, transform people toward Christ-likeness:



Biblicism - the Scriptures are accepted as the authoritative Word of God and the infallible guide for faith and a life of Christian Discipleship.

Centrality of Christ - the Scriptures are read with a New Testament perspective emphasizing the centrality of Jesus and his teaching.

Believer's Baptism - individuals who make a personal confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and are willing to follow him as obedient disciples are baptized into the fellowship of the church.

Covenant Community - the church is comprised of believers who commit themselves to worship together, to fellowship and care for one another, and to hold each other accountable for a Christ-like walk of faith.

Radical Discipleship - "In Christ salvation and ethics come together."  Faith is expressed through a life committed to living according to the teachings of Jesus.

Renewal - believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and need to be renewed and cleansed in order to be empowered for a life of witness and service.

Missionary Church - Christ has commissioned the church to make disciples of all people, baptizing them and teaching them to observe his commandments.

Peace Witness - peace and reconciliation are at the heart of the Christian gospel.  Jesus' life, death and resurrection provided for our personal peace with God and he calls us to seek peace in all our relationships.