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The Church of The Good Shepherd

605 South Street

This We Believe
Doctrinal foundations of the Church of the Good Shepherd
We affirm our belief in historic Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures and summarized in the three Creeds:
the Apostles;
the Nicene;
the Athanasian; and the Thirty-Nine Articles.

This confession was adapted by American bishops from the original 1571, 1662 text of the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England.

As established by the Bishops, the Clergy, and the Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in Convention, on the twelfth day of September, in the Year of our Lord, 1801.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold a deep Commitment to Jesus Christ as the Head of our Church, Lord of our lives, and Redeemer of our broken souls.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold our church focused in Expectant Prayer for God to move in our hearts, church, community, and world.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold the Authority of scripture (both Old and New Testaments) as an infallible guide to our families and ministry. We believe the scriptures to contain God's written revelation and ALL things necessary for the salvation of everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold Evangelism as the means by which God's message of hope and love is communicated to those in search of forgiveness, healing, and redemption. We also believe it is our responsibility to "always be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have with gentleness and respect".

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold Discipleship through Godly relationships as the catalyst by which people may become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold Worship as the proper response to the grace and forgiveness we have from Jesus Christ. Worship is a daily attitude activity to all those who have been lavished by the grace of God.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold Intergenerational Ministry as a great benefit of joining corporately across all ages. We also believe that both young and mature grow
more fully in service and worship together.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold a Servant Attitude in all we do for God and our neighbor. Jesus Christ did not come to serve but to serve and give his life for many people. Honesty, integrity, unity, submission, and servant hood are marks of an authentic lifestyle in Jesus.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold Sacrificial Giving as the means by which we join in building the kingdom of God locally and around the world. We have been given many benefits in our time, talents, and treasures and we strive to use them ALL to bring honor and glory to our God.

At Church of the Good Shepherd we uphold that Biblical Leadership is at the heart of a healthy, growing, and loving church community. We strive to model the qualities of an authentic follower of Christ in our homes, places of employment, church ministries, and communities.
