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Summit Baptist Church

3080 Highway 81, South

Summit Baptist Church was a mission church that was started in 1994 in the homes of just a few members. Since then, God has blessed us and grown us to a family of over 950 with meeting times on Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings and evenings, and Wed. evenings.

Two Church Planter Strategists, Mickey Mayfield with the Georgia Baptist Convention and Mike Hoffman with the Home Mission Board, had the vision to plant a Church along Highway 81 just south of Loganville. In 1992, they began surveying in the community and identified two families, Clay and Diana Merenuk and Lewis and Sandy Crook, who were interested in hosting a Bible Study. These two families alternated having the weekly Bible Study in their home.

The Sexton family of Toby Sexton Tire Company agreed to allow the small group to use the conference room and offices for Sunday services and the first public worship service took place on Easter Sunday, 1993. This Advisory Committee circled up and prayed in the field that is now our present site, asking God to provide the land and plant a church that would reach this community for Christ.

Wright Humble and Kevin Tillman resigned their full-time ministry positions in other churches and volunteered to join the Summit staff; Wright as Youth Minister and Kevin as Music Minister. A double-wide education modular unit was purchased and installed next to the worship unit. Plans began in 1995 to begin the first permanent building including offices, classrooms, and a worship center. By the end of 1995, worship attendance averaged 104 and 13 were baptized that year.

The first worship service in the new building was held on Easter Sunday, April 1998. The next weekend the first Summit Women's Conference was held with 328 women in attendance and at least nine women receiving Christ as their Savior and Lord. By the end of 1998 Summit averaged 320 in worship and 46 baptisms.

Craig Story joined the Summit staff as Associate Pastor. By the end of 2000 worship attendance averaged 362 with 45 baptisms that year.

Construction of the new multi-purpose education and fellowship building was begun. By the end of 2001 worship attendance averaged 379 with 47 baptisms.

Russ Butcher joins the Summit staff and began a Saturday evening Bible Study and worship service in September. Lisa Stevens also began serving as the Director of Preschool and Children's Ministries. At the end of 2004, worship attendance averaged 494 with 51 Baptisms that year. Church membership was at 900 members.

Has been an explosive year for Summit. They have began talks and made plans for a new Youth and Children's building and have started new ministries, including The Omega Trail. The Omega Trail was and reenactment of the End Times and through this ministry the church saw 80 plus salvations and many other lives changed. At the end of 2005 the church is in the beginning stages of planting a new church in Walnut Grove area with Russ Butcher and Craig Story as Co-Pastors.
