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Peachtree City Christian Church

500 Kedron Drive


In 1972 a group of Christians came together to form a congregation in Peachtree City committed to Biblical preaching and following the pattern for the Church established in God's Word. This group of people seeking to be simply Christians began meeting in the Peachtree City Elementary School. Soon they purchased 3.5 acres on the corner of Wisdom Rd. and Riley Pkwy. and after a time constructed the first building. After many years of fruitful ministry in that location the Church was led to relocate, purchasing 10 acres at the corner of Kedron Dr. and Hwy 74. After selling the Wisdom Rd. property the congregation met at Kedron Elementary for 18 months while the current facility was under construction. Today the congregation continues to commit herself to Biblical truth and being simply Christians.


- We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

- We believe that the virgin born Son of God died for our sins, was buried, arose from the dead, and is coming again.

- We endeavor to preach this good news of Christ to our own community and throughout the world, with the goal of winning all of mankind to Christ as Savior and Lord.

- We challenge our members, through the power of the indwelling Spirit, to adopt a Christ-like lifestyle and to continue His work in the world through serving others.

- We continue the ancient New Testament practice of believer's baptism by immersion and weekly observance of the Lord's Supper.

- We see ourselves as not the only Christians but as Christians only.

- We seek unity with all believers in matters essential to the universal Christian faith and contend for liberty in all matters wherein the Lord has not legislated.

- We exercise love toward all people as the central trait of the Christian life.

- We invite into our fellowship all who would commit themselves to Christ as the Savior and Lord of their lives, and who have expressed this decision by confessing their faith in Christ by being baptized by immersion and obedience to Him.

- We cooperate with many Christian agencies but are regulated or dominated by none.

- We welcome the inquiries of all who would seek the will of God in any area of their lives.
