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New Hope Christian Church

725 112th Street South West

About Us:

The name New Hope Christian Church is no accident. It does not represent a denomination, but rather a group of people who belong to Jesus Christ. It denotes second chances, and who wouldn’t want a “do over?” When Jesus called upon us to follow him, to become His disciples, He had a purpose and a plan in mind. New Hope Christian Church is intentional about fulfilling the Lord’s mandate to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20)

We are simply a group of imperfect people who are made one by our common belief and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our loyalty is to Jesus, from Who we derive our hope, not to a human organization or creed. We believe that the Lord has given clear and sufficient information in the Bible to direct the lives of all who follow. Each Christian is encouraged to study the Bible and act upon what they learn there. We certainly don’t believe that we have the corner on truth, but we are just as certain that we know where to find the truth. Jesus said, “I am the truth….” (John 14:6)

We are not the only Christians in town; we love all of our brothers and sisters in God’s family. We hope that any follower of Christ will feel at home with us in whatever context he/she may be; alone, seeking, discouraged, forgotten, healthy or not – a welcome will be found at New Hope as long as there is a desire to walk more closely with the Lord.

We believe that baptism is a valid demonstration of one’s faith and commitment to Jesus. It is always performed by immersion, in which one is buried in the likeness of the death of Jesus, and raised in the likeness of His resurrection; representing a crucifixion of self, and a change of allegiance from the kingdom of this world to the Kingdom of our Lord and God. The Lord’s Supper serves as a constant reminder of the fellowship that exists between Jesus and His followers, made possible through the sacrifice of His dying on the cross for our sin. We remember the Lord in this way every week.

We must confess, however, that we don’t always live up to even our own standards for righteous living. We are regularly reminded of how much we need Jesus. We try, but like other men and women, we fall short of the mark. We get mad when we should not; we tend to be forgetful or neglectful; we fail to be patient with the slack or fainthearted; etc., but our Father knows these things are part and parcel of our weakness, and His grace is sufficient in our times of deficiency. We crave His pardon and we want so very much to be like Jesus, so we “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).

We believe in the literal indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s children, and we believe the Holy Spirit is a constant companion and helper, even though we grieve Him at times. We believe that God hears and answers the prayers of His children – He is not dead, He is not retired, He is never on “hold” or “call waiting.”

New Hope has only one enemy - Satan. We exist to glorify our Father who is in heaven and one of the best ways that we can do that is to be a servant to others. We exist for those who need us. So, if you have never accepted Jesus as Lord of your life; or, if you are a baptized believer looking for a church home, please talk with us. We don't have all the answers to all of your questions or problems, but we can lead you to the One who is the answer.


Here at New Hope we have a variety of opportunities to minister in the name of Jesus both near and abroad. From spending a day at the local Food Bank, to sending a small team of women to help in the clean-up of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, to trucking a church load of pews to a church in Mexico, it is our desire to be the arms and hands of Jesus to a hurt and needy world. Whether it is Locally or Globally, New Hope is finding ways to reach out and help others.
