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Liberty Baptist Church

1109 West Highway 166

March 1994 – Ken preached a revival at a local church. There was a good, exciting spirit the whole week and several people were saved. Ken commented after that week that he felt like there was some real spiritual "bonding" going on. He thought that God might have him pastor those people someday. One of the deacons from the church where Ken was the pastor felt the same thing.

September 1994 – Ken resigned as pastor on Sunday morning. After struggling all week with what God was telling him to do, he finally got some peace on Saturday. The deacons and most of their wives "knew" what was going to happen. Ken’s resignation was effective immediately.

After a few days of living with a pastor that did not have a church, God spoke to Renee and told her that the next place that Ken would pastor next would be named "Liberty". Ken, making a joke, said that it would probably be "Unity" since Baptists are always so agreeable!

September 1994 – Bro. Dennis Rollins invited Bro. Ken to lead a prayer meeting at his home. A group of people was beginning to meet every Tuesday night for a prayer meeting and Bible study. Ken asked each person there to share something that they would like to see in a church and every single person said something about having the LIBERTY to worship. God begins confirming in our hearts the plans that He has for us.

October 1994 – Bro. Paul Hebert called to "check on Ken". Said that he had really had him on his heart. Ken explained about resigning the church and the new prayer meeting group. He told Bro. Hebert that these people had mentioned starting a new church work. Bro. Hebert replied " Brother, do whatever God gives you the LIBERTY to do". God just keeps confirming His Plan.

The weekly prayer meeting group started going to church together wherever Ken was invited to preach. We visited several churches together on Sunday mornings and continued meeting for weekly Bible study. Ken was hoping that God would open a door for him and then the prayer meeting group could join that church and we would all be together!

Following one of the prayer meetings, in Bro. Ken’s home, all the men (except Bro. Ken) met in the study. They discussed the requirements for beginning a new church and the financial responsibility involved. When they come out of the study they announced that we would be starting a new church. The first service would be on December 25, 1994. Bro. Ken would be the first pastor, and the name of the church would be LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH. We were founded as an independent, fundamental, missionary Baptist church.

We purchased a used keyboard from The Easter’s, 25 Church Hymnals, and about 6 folding chairs. Jamie donated a military duffle bag to carry the books from one location to another. A friend of Bro. Ken’s painted a little portable sign that read: . The church location schedule was: Sunday morning services at Bro. Mike Rollins home, Sunday evening services at Bro. Ken Bowman’s home, and Wednesday evenings at Bro. Dennis Rollins’ home.

Bro. Paul Hebert preached a message one Sunday morning addressing the criticism that our congregation was receiving from friends, family, and the community. He preached out of Nehemiah 6:1-4, the message was titled "Oh No, We Can’t Come Down". He paralleled the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem with the starting of Liberty Baptist Church. He brought out all the opposition that Nehemiah faced when building for the Lord. The point of the message was that as long as we were only 35-40 people who met in homes, others would not be very concerned about us. But we need to be aware, when others begin to see how God would bless us, then they would want to join in and would ask us to begin associating with them. Bro. Hebert’s advice was to reply "Oh no, we can’t come down!"

As the congregation grew, our meeting space became very tight. We had many services with all the children sitting on the floor. Bro. Ken became very anxious about another place to have our services. He was knocking on and shaking every door imaginable (and some not so imaginable!). There were rides every weekend looking for an available space. One Sunday after church, he rode by the old dress shop in the ally across from the Southern Lady (Shirley Avenue). This was the last kind of church building that he wanted, a storefront church! Ken picked up the key to the building from Mr. Buford Johnson, the owner. After the Sunday night services, the whole congregation went to the storefront. The building had built in hanging displays, old paneled walls, ugly green carpet, and a weird smell. We joined hands and prayed for God to give us direction. After our prayer it was clear, this building would be perfect!

Everyone worked very hard to get the building ready for the first service. Walls were painted, two Sunday school rooms framed up, the bathroom cleaned up, a platform built, brass lanterns hung on the walls, new carpet laid, and the sign was painted on the window , . We purchased used pews from Pleasant View Baptist Church and Bro. Mike built the beautiful pulpit that we use now. We were ready for our first service in the storefront. The first service at this location was held in April of 1995.

As we continued to grow, we had to take out the two small Sunday School Class rooms. We rented another building from Mr. Johnson on Shirley Avenue to have Sunday School rooms and fellowship space. A third building on Wedowee Street came available. This building had a back entrance on Shirley Avenue and we rented it also. This building was much nicer than the Sunday school and fellowship area that we had already. At this time we stopped using the second building.

We continued to pray for a permanent place for Liberty. One afternoon in the spring of 1996, Ken picked up his daughters girls from their babysitter in Cedar Valley. As he was pulling out of Harvell Drive, the Lord spoke to his heart about the location for the church. From where he was sitting there seemed to be only two options available. One option was the open corner lot at the intersection of Harvell Drive and West Highway 166. This lot was about three acres. The other thing that attracted Ken’s attention was the existing church on the highway. He felt a drawing up the hill toward that church. He wondered if God was telling him that we would use that church building and that God would bless the people of that church with a bigger and better building! We had seen so many amazing things from God that we didn’t limit Him by our feeble imaginations!

A few days later Ken was riding with his father-in-law and they passed by the property where the church now sits. Not knowing how God had impressed Ken a few days before, Mr. Ayers pointed to the kudzu covered lot and said "I know the lady who owns that property, it would probably be a good lot for a church, you should call her and see if she would sell". Well, the spiritual bells and whistles went off in Ken’s heart! The next Wednesday night, the men from church went to the property to pray. They parked in the parking lot across the street and walked over to the property. They all formed a circle and joined hands to pray. God joined them there as the Holy Spirit moved and confirmed that this was the place for Liberty! Immediately the process began to purchase the 12 acres. During the process we met all kinds of opposition. First was the criticism of putting a church next to the old club. Second, when the process began, someone else in town tried to buy the property by offering the seller more money! But what all these people didn’t realize is that God had ordained long before 1996 that this land would belong to Liberty Baptist Church!

From the point that we purchased the land to the first service in the basement sanctuary was an amazing time! Everyone felt that the building should look old, not new and modern. So we looked at and took pictures of several churches. One church in Whitesburg really attracted our attention. The men sketched what we thought the building should look like and hired an architect do to the blueprints. When asked how much the building would probably cost to complete, the architect estimated $750,000.00. We could barely afford the blueprint, how could we possibly afford this building? But God continued to confirm that this was what He wanted, so we stayed on course under His guidance. The digging began for the basement! This was a major step of faith for a small group of believers! In December 1996, we had our first meeting in the basement sanctuary – it was Beautiful! During the building process, every step was so exciting. We met in the afternoons on a very regular basis to see what had been done that day! The day the trusses were set on the building and the day the steeple was erected were especially thrilling. I will never forget the night that Bro. Ken shared with Bro. Rodney Brand his vision for the rounded choir loft and altar area. Only the builders know how difficult it is to get wood to fit a circular pattern! But God had provided the talent to do exactly what He wanted! One Sunday night after the altar area and the choir loft was framed, the choir went upstairs and sang Amazing Grace and the sound that came from that small group in the rounded space was incredible. God gave His nod of approval to the work and design so far!

Our whole church was built exactly this way. There were never any committees formed to coordinate the colors or the design. God provided an incredible amount of talent in the building and landscaping of the new structure. We just followed God’s direction one step at a time. The final result has been more that we could have ever thought or imagined!

In the spring of 1998, we moved into the sanctuary. The basement was changed into a fellowship hall with the surrounding Sunday school rooms. As the congregation grew, we added more Sunday school by using the fellowship hall in the church basement. The next building program was to add a separate fellowship hall, gym area, and full kitchen.

Since Liberty bought the property where the church stands, the people have prayed about the club next door. It would be open occasionally for short periods of time. One evening during the summer of 2001, lightning struck the building and it burned to the ground! God opened up an opportunity to purchase the three acres that went with the club building. It was a wonderful day in the ministry of this church when the last bulldozer flattened the spot where that old, evil looking building sat! A new tabernacle has been built on that property. This facility will be available for camp meetings and occasional Sunday night services beginning in 2002.

This history talks about the beginning of the ministry of Liberty Baptist Church. What is not included is the spiritual growth of Christians, the souls that have been saved, the lives and homes that have been changed, the teenagers that God has hedged into His safety, the new Christian homes established through blessed marriages, the miracle of the births of new babies, the worship, the ability to experience God’s presence, the answered prayers, and the blessings of God on His people. Only God really knows the spiritual effectiveness of this ministry. We thank Him and give Him all the Glory for this ministry.
