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Lake Oconee Lutheran Church

1089 Lake Oconee Parkway


Mission is how we will get to where we are going.

Lake Oconee Lutheran Church will motivate and equip people for discipleship in Jesus Christ.


Vision is where we are going.

Lake Oconee Lutheran Church will become an expanding community of faith, growing in the Holy Spirit, practicing before the world a Christ centered life.


Values are what we believe to be important. They help provide direction to where our resources will be focused. They are the foundation upon which the mission and vision are built.

Word & Sacrament

By this we mean...believing in and making faithful and frequent use of the Bible, Baptism and the Lord's Supper as the means by which God gives and sustains faith and empowers and strengthens us for Christian living.

Christian Education

By this we mean...providing quality, Bible based instruction to foster greater understanding of God's word and better equipping members for their discipleship in Jesus Christ.


By this we mean...the reaching out to others, by word and deed, to join in the sharing of God's blessings and grace, which is free to all believers.


By this we mean...the full utilization of our time, talents and resources to serve and love the Lord, furthering our commission of discipleship.


By this we mean...the caring and sharing of our church family, fostering greater love, understanding and concern for the well being (physical and spiritual) of all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
