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First Baptist Church of Fountain Hills

10215 North Saguaro Boulevard


We Exist To Be a People Of Faith, Hope, Love, And Joy

We are first called to be with Jesus. Through private and corporate worship, Bible study, and prayer, we seek to know Christ intimately. We purpose together to live lives that are characterized by...

1.Faith-trusting in Christ for salvation, resting in God's care for provision.
2.Hope-knowing that our past, present, and future is secured in Christ
3.Love-sharing the unconditional love of God for all people
4.Joy-rejoicing always along this uneven journey of life

"Proclaiming In Worship And Witness The Hope Of Jesus Christ For All People"

We proclaim Christ as the Good News of Salvation, the only way to eternal life. We joyfully celebrate this Gospel of Hope in our worship gatherings and gladly witness to others in our daily lives. We proclaim Christ to all the world through personal involvement in international and local missions: praying, learning, going, and giving to support the mission programs of Southern Baptists.

"Preparing Believers For The Challanges Of Christian Living In a Changing World"

We are all on a mission as ministers of God, called, gifted, and enabled to serve others. We provide training for the continued growth of every believer, but we choose to focus especially on the needs of the young to prepare them for Christ-like living in the 21st century. We commit ourselves to teach, proclaim, and practice the principles and pure standards of our Lord as revealed in His Word.

"Practicing Hands-On Involvement In Meeting Human Need Through Missions And Ministry"

We choose to go beyond our comfort zones to become involved in meeting human need, wherever we are led. Our leaders and programs exist to challenge us to be a doing and going church, carrying cups of cold water in Jesus' Name to a thirsty world.

"Providing a Caring Church Atmosphere For The Unchurched Of Fountain Hills And Surrounding Communities"

We are here to reach out to others in ways to bring them into a right relationship with Christ and the church. We strive to provide a caring fellowship, where people are warmly received and genuinely loved.
