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Columbus Rotary Club

About Us:

In 1905, Paul Harris, a young lawyer in Chicago, experiencing the loneliness of a newcomer to a big city, wanted to become acquainted with individuals in other businesses and professions.  On the evening of February 23, 1905 he met with three friends to discuss his ideas.  From this beginning, they invited others to meet with them, and began to “rotate” the meetings among each other’s offices.  Their numbers soon became too great to meet in each other’s’ offices and a lunch club was started.

Their initiative quickly spread beyond Chicago, and just 19 years later, on December 2, 1924 our Columbus Rotary Club was formed.  Our club originally included 21 members representing Columbus area professions and businesses.  Today our over 100 members from local business, non-profits, and government continue and grow the Rotary tradition by joining together for weekly meetings and fellowship.   We also actively participate in Rotary efforts that make our community, our country, and our world a better place in which to live.

Rotary is an organization of business and professional people pledged to uphold the highest ethical and moral standards.   Rotarians believe that worldwide fellowship and peace can be achieved when business people unite with the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”

Rotary activities exemplify the charity and sacrifice that one would expect from people who believe that they have a responsibility to help others.