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Christ The King Lutheran Church

17195 Cleveland Road

About Us

Christ the King congregation was organized in 1969 as a new mission of the American Lutheran Church and has grown from 38 families to over 1200 baptized members. Average attendance at the 8:30 and 11:00 liturgies each week is approximately 410. Worshipers come from all over the bi-state area and are representative of the ethnic and racial diversity of the area as well as the variety of traditions (denominations) which make up the church. Christ the King became part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1988 upon the merger of the American Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church in America, and the American Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Because of steady growth since its beginning, Christ the King has needed to expand its facilities twice, most recently in 1999, when the worship space and narthex were increased and offices, choir room, youth room, and seven classrooms were added. The worship space seats 350 or so in a contemporary setting that is nearly square in shape.

Worship at Christ the King is very much in the Lutheran liturgical tradition. The sanctuary liturgy is printed in a booklet each week and varies from season to season as well as for festivals. These liturgies incorporate portions of the liturgies found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, as well as material from other sources. Weekly worship in the chapel uses fewer printed materials and projects more worship songs and prayers onto a screen.

Various musical gifts are shared during Sunday liturgies by those in the adult choir, handbell choir, and various instrumentalists and vocalists. Musical styles are varied.

Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at all liturgies. Those who commune in other denominations are welcome to commune at Christ the King. Ordinarily, youth at Christ the King participate in preparation classes prior to their first communion when in the fifth grade or at ten years of age.

Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:45 AM. Adult Forums on a variety of topics are offered regularly to which all adults are invited. Bible study groups meet at various times throughout the week, as do other study and discussion groups. You are encouraged to contact the church office if you wish to receive more information about the opportunities available at this time.

A full time youth minister coordinates a youth program which includes junior and senior high groups as well as a variety of "impact" events which range from concerts and overnights in the church or at the YMCA to week-long events in the summer such as work camps or attendance at the national youth gatherings coordinated by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

In addition to full time youth and music directors, a part time Director of Discipleship Formation, a Ministry Coordinator, and a Business Manager. Christ the King is served by two pastors who share responsibilities such as preaching, leading worship, and pastoral care. Each of them also has a portfolio of ministry areas for which he/she has primary responsibility.

Christ the King offers a wide variety of opportunities for fellowship and service. We are a Stephen Ministry congregation and cooperate with several congregations in the community to train and supervise care-givers.
