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All Souls Fellowship

647 E. College Avenue

Our Mission

At All Souls, “we exist to reconcile our community to the Gospel
and more fully to one another.”

What in the world does that mean? Well, really two things.

First, it means that all of us, both inside the Church and outside the Church, need the same thing. We ALL need the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that tells us how we can be loved and accepted by the God who created us. As we come to understand and embrace this Gospel, it gives us the confidence to approach God and to love our neighbors. It also gives us the humility of saying, “I am no better than ANYONE else, but God has given me his grace in Christ.” The Gospel heals us from fear and from arrogance. Let’s face it, we all need that!

Second, it means that we believe holistic healing between the disparate people that make up our city will happen most effectively through this Gospel. Rich and poor, black and white, gay and straight, conservative and liberal – we tend to distrust those whom we perceive to be different. The Gospel of Christ breaks through the cultural and ethnic barriers and teaches us how to more effectively love one another.

Now, how will we do this? Three ways:

We will express the implications of God’s grace in all areas of life and ministry. This is the expression of a life lived humbly on our knees before the Father. Grace allows us to have the radical posture of boldness and humility before a holy God.

We will live confident that God is at work transforming, healing, and restoring His Kingdom. This is the expression of a life lived sacrificially on our feet, following the Son. Gospel hope allows us to radically pursue the expression of the Gospel in our homes, our neighborhoods, and in our city.

We will be diligent in building meaningful, transformative relationships. This is the expression of a life lived powerfully in the communal embrace of the Spirit. In community, we express the radical power of the Spirit of God through loving and truthful relationships.
