
WisGOP Statement on VPOTUS Visit to Milwaukee

Government and Politics

May 16, 2024

MADISON, WI - If you are covering Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, please consider the following statement from WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming:

“Every time Kamala Harris visits Wisconsin, voters are reminded of the failed agenda of the Biden Administration. From higher inflation to lower wages, voters know they cannot afford another four years of Biden and Harris in the White House.” —WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming


- Wisconsin has lost more than 5,000 manufacturing jobs since September of 2022. Permanent job losses and temporary layoffs in the United States rose in April.

- 72% of employers in Wisconsin report having trouble hiring under the Biden Administration.

- Confidence in Wisconsin’s economy has declined among business leaders from 39% to 22% in the last six months, according to a recent survey by theWisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. Only 10% described the state of Wisconsin’s economy as strong.