
What’s Going On At Griffin-Spalding County Library This Week - July 8th-July 15th 2023

Schools and Libraries

July 7, 2023

From: Griffin-Spalding County Library

Prepare to explore endless opportunities to engage our library & community!  

As part of our All Together Now Summer Reading Program, the Griffin-Spalding County Library is bringing you some wonderful programs this summer, both at the library and at other locations around Spalding County.

There is something for everyone - kids, teens, and adults!

For more details about each program and to see a listing of programs throughout the summer go to our library’s website at www.frrls.net/griffinlibrary or call the library at 770-412-4770.

Don’t forget to sign up for the All Together Now Summer Reading Program to keep track of your time spent reading this summer either in-person with a paper log or online using Beanstack (www.frrls.beanstack.org)

Here is what’s going on at the Griffin-Spalding County Library for the week of July 8th-July 15th…

Canning & Preservation with UGA Extension

Saturday, July 8th


Learn how to preserve fruits and veggies safely.


Click here to view the What’s Going On At Griffin-Spalding County Library This Week - July 8th-July 15th 2023