
The Plaza Arts Center : Coffee House series

Arts and Entertainment

May 25, 2023

From: The Plaza Arts Center

Mocha House wraps up The Plaza and The Arts Barn collaborative Coffee House series
From grandpas to elementary schoolers, everyone brought their talent to the stage at ThePlaza Art Center and The Arts Barn’s Mocha House last week.

What makes this Mocha House so unique is that it is a safe space for creativity. 18 acts performed in front of a packed Plaza stage.

For each performance in the Coffee House series, The Plaza and The Arts Barn look for a range of entertainment. For the Mocha House, all of the Lake Country was invited to perform.

For the Mocha House, there was a wide variety of entertainment for the audience.

A grandpa read an excerpt from a book he wrote, an elementary schooler played alongside her ukulele teachers, a theater class performed a skit they wrote together, teachers sang in front of their past students; lots and lots of talent was shared.

The Mocha House was the last in the Coffee House series from The Plaza and The Arts Barn. The series was put into place last year as a chance to have young people from all over have a space to perform - with no pressure, a supportive audience and with other like minded performers. The performers want a place to perform and let loose.

Each performance is held somewhere different - this year the first was held at The Old School History Museum, the second at Lake Oconee Academy’s Black Box Theater, the third at Putnam County Middle School Theater and then to wrap things up, the last was held on The Plaza stage.

While the setting may be different, each event is the same in that there is coffee poured, snacks shared and all of the proceeds from the refreshments go towards the summer Broadway Intensive.

The energy was fantastic at the Mocha House and The Plaza and The Arts Barn are thrilled for next year.

For more information on the Coffee Houses, email [email protected]  or [email protected].