
Miami Lyric Opera - Newsletter June-July 2022

Arts and Entertainment

June 23, 2022

From: Miami Lyric Opera

As always, it is a privilege to address a few items in our bulletin as we provide updates on present and future activities of Miami Lyric Opera.

After a brief recess, we are engaged in the preparation of our upcoming production of Carmen, the last and greatest opera of Georges Bizet. It is based on the play by Prosper Mérimée. Unfortunately, Bizet died at the age of 37, a few months after the first presentation of Carmen. He was never able to personally witness the success and immense popularity of his masterwork.

On this occasion we feature an exciting group of artists including Francesca Aguado, Philip Longi, Natalie Avila and Mikhail Smigelski. These experienced principal singers are supported by a roster of talented young artists performing the secondary roles listed on the attached poster.

We greatly anticipate the return of conductor Jeffrey Eckstein, who has successfully collaborated with Miami Lyric Opera in past seasons.

Please remember to support us in these difficult times. Once again, I wish to appeal to your generosity by encouraging you to click the following the following Donate  link, .to pledge your donation.

We appreciate your continued help and support. 


Raffaele Cardone

Founder and Artistic Director

Click here for tickets online.

Notes Of Interest

Opportunities for singers to be member of mlo chorus. Interested, call to:

Pablo Hernandez

AT: 305 898 1944

Visit Our Web Site To Learn More About Mlo, Its Events, Auditions And More, Click Here

Mission Statement

Miami Lyric Opera Inc. is committed to: "provide classical opera to the public at accessible prices, to educate and create opportunities for young talent to be mentored by professional opera artists, and to, encourage, and promote the opportunity of opera music and artistic growth in our multicultural community

Education And Master Classes

Miami Lyric Opera offers Education and Master Classes to advanced students or Educational Institutions. Interested may contact Raffaele Cardone at 305 297 3619 or by Email at: [email protected]

IYour donations are Tax exempt. Please support the opera, make your donations secure online by clicking at:
