
Lowville Cream Cheese Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

September 9, 2023

From: Lowville Cream Cheese Festival

Don’t miss the 2023 Cream Cheese Festival!
Recipe Contest

Cream Cheese Festival

Recipe Contest Entry Information

All entries must be prepared with Kraft Heinz Philadelphia Cream Cheese.

Entries must be delivered to the Kraft Heinz booth located inside the Lowville Fire Hall between 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. on Saturday.

Parking is available in the Lowville Library lot during those drop off hours, access Fire Hall via rear entry doorway on Parkway Drive.

Only the registration number should be visible on your entry.

There are two categories for the contest: Dessert and Non-Dessert.

Entries will be judged based on Presentation, Creativity and Taste. Points in the judging are weighted - the most points are awarded for the Taste component, the next highest points are awarded in Creativity, and the fewest points are awarded for Presentation.

Displays are limited to a 2' x 2' area on the table.

Electrical outlets will be available.

Entries must be picked up by 12:00 PM on the day of the contest.
Kraft Heinz and the Cream Cheese Festival Committee are not responsible for any dish not picked up that day.

Any recipe submitted becomes the property of Kraft Heinz.

Due to a lack of a games coordinator this year, the Cream Cheese Festival will NOT feature games this year. We apologize for any inconvenience.



Emcee Beth Hall

11 A.M. - 12 P.M.   Ransom

12:15 P.M. - 1:15 P.M.    Tough Luck

1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Nelson Brothers Band

2:45 P.M. - 4 P.M. Doc Yukon Band

4:15 P.M. - 6 P.M. Joey Collins & The Creatives

Stage provided by Lewis County Agricultural Society

Sound provided by Brian Beyer


Emcee Lance Hale & Oz Man

11 A.M. - 12 P.M.   Gabe Shepherd

12:15 P.M. - 1:15 P.M.   Brittany Cean & Kelsey Fraser

1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.  James "Jimmy G" Gratch

2:45 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. Kasidee and Bill

4 P.M. - 5 P.M. Shawn Corbett

Stage provided by Logan's Equipment

Sound provided by Jasyn Griffin
Childrens Park

The Cream Cheese Festival Committee welcomes back its Children's Discovery Park this year.

ONLY $10.00 covers all the rides and park activity all day!


Rock Climbing Wall


The End Zone

Huge Slide

Soccer Arena

Axe Inflatable

Adrenaline Rush II

Soccer Darts

Monster Obstacle Course

Speed Cage

Volcano Slide


Date: Saturday, September 16th, 2023

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Location: Dayan Street and South State Street

Click Here For More Information