
Georgia Symphony Orchestra: The Score - January 2, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

January 3, 2024

From: Georgia Symphony Orchestra

“The Score”
Welcome to this edition of the GSO’s newsletter “The Score”! We’ll keep you up to date with any of the GSO, GYSO, GSO Chorus, and GSO Jazz! info you might have missed. We will also include information about discounts and upcoming events as well. You can expect this newsletter on or about the 1st and 15th of each month.

So sit back, relax, and thanks for supporting the Georgia Symphony Orchestra!

Dear Friends of the GSO,

Best wishes to you and yours this Happy New Year!

A blank slate before us, the new year holds the promise of renewed energy and fresh opportunity. The GSO is full steam ahead for an exciting second half of our season.

January will see GSO Jazz! performing at the Cobb Energy Center as part of the acclaimed ArtsBridge program and our GYSO students returning to the stage for their Winter Concerts.

In February, Jazz is back celebrating two great American songsmiths, Burt Bacharach and Hal David, as they present What the World Needs Now at the Strand Theatre and in a new venue for us…the historic Canton Theater. Later that month, the GSO will create an evening sure to please featuring Mozart’s sublime Clarinet Concerto, headlined by our own Justin Stanley, and the second symphony of Brahms.

Casting our eyes (and ears) forward to spring, we’ll have performances by our GSO Chorus, an evening of Big Band with GSO Jazz, more student performances, another Sensory Friendly and Family Concert Event and the grand finale of our season: Beethoven’s spectacular Ninth Symphony.

All of this is made possible by you! Our End of the Year Giving campaign met with unprecedented success as we more than tripled our original goal…due to your generosity. You donated $34,867.00 that will directly benefit our community and give more people access to transformative arts experiences, through scholarships for students, performances for veterans, free tickets for families in need, and concerts specially designed for underserved populations.

We’re committed to sharing the power of music with everyone in our community…bigger, better and expanding our reach further than we’ve ever done before.

With your help we can do it!

With gratitude…and anticipation!

Suzanne Tucker
Executive Director
Georgia Symphony Orchestra

GSO News and Inf

Thank YOU!

Thanks to your generosity we ended 2023 on a high note! Because of you, we exceeded our original $10k goal, and then our $23k goal, raising $34,867.00!

GYSO Winter Concerts
Great performances are coming up from students on January 28th. Be sure to catch one and support the hard working students in GYSO!

Auld Lang Syne
Two years ago, things were very different. But we took time to mark the occasion of a new year, and a new world. Revisit the GSO quartet performing Auld Lang Syne on the porch of the home where the GSO was founded over seventy years ago in this video performance.

Your Support Matters!
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the personal donations and corporate sponsorship of people like you!
Join us in support our education, outreach, and enrichment of our community!

Donate Today!