
Community Invited To Attend 26th Annual PCC Veterans Salute

Arts and Entertainment

November 9, 2023

WINTERVILLE—Pitt Community College will pay tribute to current and former members of the nation’s military Nov. 8 with an on-campus ceremony that is free and open to the public. 

The 26th Annual PCC Veterans Salute is scheduled to take place in the Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Center for Student Advancement’s TowneBank Patio at 11 a.m. In the event of rain, it will be moved indoors to the building’s Chris Smith Multipurpose Room. 

 PCC Student Government Association President Jeremy Galang will be the keynote speaker. A University Transfer major, he was elected SGA president during the spring semester and began his one-year term July 1. Though he was born in the Philippines, Galang came to the United States more than a year ago from Singapore, where he served in the Republic of Singapore Navy. 

“Military service is the cornerstone of our nation's strength, and it is this very reason why we enjoy the freedoms and liberties we hold dear today,” Galang says. “On Veterans Day, we salute not only those who fought on the frontlines but also those who served behind them. Their presence in our communities gives us a sense of security, knowing there are dedicated men and women who've walked the path of service, standing ready to protect our nation.” 

In addition to Galang’s remarks, PCC President Lawrence Rouse will express his appreciation for everyone who has served the nation militarily in times of war and peace. 

“As the son of a Korean War veteran, I’ve always held the nation’s military personnel in high regard,” Rouse said. “Freedom isn’t free, and since this country’s earliest days, members of our military have been making sacrifices as payment for the peace and prosperity this great land enjoys. Veterans Day is a time to truly appreciate what those men and women in uniform have done and continue to do on behalf of their fellow citizens.” 

This year’s Veterans Salute will also feature a prayer for the nation by PCC Veterans Service Specialist Jason Monska, as well as closing remarks from PCC Veterans Affairs Coordinator Sonji Rowsom. PCC Music and Drama Coordinator R. Michael Stephenson and members of the college’s Bulldog Beat will provide music, and a drill team from South Central High School will post and retire the colors. 

Following the ceremony, attendees are invited to visit Pitt’s Slocum-Bunch Veterans Center, which is located on the Smith Center’s second floor.