
City Of Pine Lake News Brief - July 12th, 2022

Government and Politics

July 18, 2022

From: City Of Pine Lake

This News Brief is being sent to those who have signed up for the Pine Lake Directory. If you know someone who would like to sign up, please share this link. The link is also in the contact info on the top of each page of the Pine Lake Website 

For additional information on any item in this Brief, use the Contact Us Form.

Council Calls for Special Election

A special City Council election will be held in conjunction with the 2022 General Election on November 8th, to fill the unexpired term of Brandy Beavers. This term will run through December 31st, 2023.

Qualifying for candidates will begin at City Hall on Monday, August 1, 2022, and continue through Wednesday, August 3, 2022, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM each day. The qualifying fee is $18.00
See Notice.

4th of July Cookout well attended and enjoyed by all.

The City of Pine Lake and PLAIN held the first 4th of July picnic since 2019 earlier this month. Approximately 100 people attended, and good times were had by all! Thank you to everyone who attended and socialized, and a big shout-out of thanks for the PLAIN team of volunteers for making it happen. 

Pine Lake City Council Meetings 

Are the second and last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Council Chamber / Courthouse at the corner of Forest and Pine. Mask at your own discretion. Agenda Packet for 7/12/2022 Meeting. For additional information on any item in this Brief, use the Contact Us Form.