
City Of Pine Lake News Brief - December 15, 2022

Government and Politics

December 16, 2022

From: City Of Pine Lake
Pursuant to December 13th, 2022 Council Meeting
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Lighting of the Lake and Cookie Exchange Well Attended.

On Saturday, December 3rd residents and guests came together for the Lighting of the Lake and PLAIN Cookie Exchange. The Pine Lake Singfishers (community choir) performed a few songs, then, after the lighting of the Lake, they led the community in some holiday carol classics.

You may have noticed some differences in the reindeer configuration this year. This is due to several factors: the berm where the reindeer usually play has temporarily become inaccessible because of the condition of both bridges. (We will be getting bids on repair soon). Several of the reindeer were found to be inoperable and there was a shortage of electrical outlets at the new location. Next year will hopefully see a rehabilitated reindeer herd and even more beautiful lights on the lake.
Oak Road Repair Project Out for Bid

A request for bids for the repair of Oak Road and accompanying drainage issues has been put out. Bids are due by January 31st. This project is largely a SPLOST project and will be the first major SPLOST expenditure for the city.

2023 Budget Passed by Council

The Council passed the 2023 budget which had been presented to Council by Mayor and City Administrator at the November 29th meeting.

December 27th Council Meeting Cancelled due to Holidays

The next Council meeting will be January 10th, 2023. The Mayor, Council, and Staff wish you all a wonderful holiday season.
City Council Meetings

Are the second and last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Council Chamber / Courthouse at the corner of Forest and Pine. Mask at your own discretion. Agenda Packet for 12/13/2022 Meeting. For additional information on any item in this Brief, use the Contact Us Form.