
Bayville Scream Park Haunted Attractions 2023

Arts and Entertainment

October 9, 2023

From: Bayville Scream Park


Bloodworth is a creepy manor that was once occupied by the unpleasant Dr. Bascombe Bay, a twisted scientist with a fixation on reanimating dead tissue. He constantly grave robbed an experimented on corpses. The estate was eventually left to his twins, Bethany and Bernard, and the two continued their fathers legacy. But they upped the ante a lot more. Luring unsuspecting guests into the house, they would kidnap and torture them, perform ghastly experiments on the poor souls, hoping to crack the code on resurrecting their father. They succeeded sort of. And created an army of the undead. But now their doors are open, and they invite you into their home for a wonderful stay. But they only hope to either feed you to their zombified minions, or use you as their next test subject. Enter if you dare, the dinner bell is ringing.

One day, while working at The Hospital of St. Benedict in Bayville, New York, Dr. Barrington Bay was attempting to perform a tricky procedure on his pregnant wife. She died. Bay became extremely volatile and hostile after that. Neglecting the staff and patients of the hospital and instead secluding himself in his own laboratory. Doped up on morphine and any other sedatives he could get his hands on, Bay was obsessed with reversing the process of dying and tested his gruesome and unorthodox theories and experiments on the unwilling and unsuspecting patients. And even the staff. Many perished. Horrendously. The hospital was shut down, but Dr. Bay and the staff somehow disappeared before the authorities arrived. To this day, there has been no trace of them. But some say they see the lights on the hospital come on in the middle of the night. And that shrill, death-defining screaming can be heard coming from the hospital windows and walls. But still no trace remains.

Once inherited by the original founder’s great grand nephew Benjamin Bay, The Funhouse was never the same. Back in 1969, Bay donned the famous Uncle Needles outfit once worn by his great grandpa back in the 1800s. He died on stage in the Uncle Needle outfit and his last words were simply, “Don’t worry, folks. Uncle Needles will always be here.” Once Bay masqueraded as Needles, things took a turn for the worst. He never took the costume off, horrible things happened at the Funhouse. Accidents, deaths, maimings, the place was no longer safe as Bay had brought in an army of sadistic evil-doers dressed as clowns. Visitors would go in, and never come back out. Even though the doors shut in 1971, people of the town still say they hear and see a man resembling Uncle Needles lurking around. And just when you hear, “Don’t worry, folks. Uncle Needles will always be here,” you won’t find anybody when you turn around. But by then, it will be too late.

Famed treasure hunter Brewster Bay attempted to foil the plans of grave robbers who planned to take the jewels of the Hybaara cannibal cult. In failing, the jewels were lifted and a terrible curse fell before… the land. Namely in the form of walking, groaning flesh-eating zombie mummies from the grave. With no trace of Bay or the robbers and with your skills shaky, you must help retrieve the jewels and put a stop to this madness if we are ever going to live to see another day. The zombie mummies will stop at nothing to destroy you and your quest to save the world. And with only Bay’s journal and some clues left behind, you will have to navigate the tombs to solve the mystery and clean this mess up.

Prisoners being transported from Bay View Sanitarium for the Criminally Insane never made it to its destination. The asylum was set for demolition so the prisoners were to be taken elsewhere. 35 of the most violently unstable prisoners were transported out but the transport bus was eventually found, destroyed and burned somewhere deep in the woods of the Bayville Forest. The driver’s body was found lashed to a tree. His head was found in another tree. The remains of four transport guards were discovered in an abandoned picnic area. Their bodies were hacked and slashed apart and arranged to spell the phrase “No One Gets Out”. After a three month long search period, and numerous officers and locals going missing, none of the prisoners turned up anywhere. The authorities called off the search and it is rumored to be the stuff of legends now. But there is something awful in those woods, something we don’t know about. And if you dare venture into the Bayville Forest, you might just found out what happened. But never live to tell about it.

A new steroid made to help enhance human growth was developed recently. It was created to be the potential cure for neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases. Project Cage (Chemical And… Genetic Enhancement) was kickstarted and the drug was tested out on chimpanzees. The side effects were horrific, resulting in psychopathic hostility, rage, and brain damage. Testing on humans went even worse. The outcome was beyond catastrophic. People turned into bloodthirsty, cannibalistic animals, their veins bright green and eyes a horrible shade of yellow. They were filled with enormous fury and rage and were practically unstoppable, hence breaking out of the lab and spreading the virus all throughout the Cage facility. You are to venture in and assess the situation, and hope you get out alive.

A new dimension awaits, where the eerie glow of radiation intertwines with the allure of secret concoctions at Dr. Decay's Toxic Quarantine Club Secret Bar. The moment you cross the threshold, you'll find yourself immersed in a world that defies conventional boundaries. The atmosphere hums with an electric energy, inviting you to indulge in a tantalizing blend of science and secrecy. Behind the bar, skilled mixologists channel the spirit of Dr. Decay himself, crafting a selection of covert cocktails that push the boundaries of taste. But the experience extends beyond the drinks themselves. The walls are adorned with artifacts that hint at a world of scientific exploration and unexplored dimensions. Patrons huddle together in corners, engaged in conversations that dance between the surreal and the sensational. In this clandestine sanctuary, time takes on a different meaning, allowing you to escape the confines of the everyday and step into a dimension where the extraordinary becomes the norm. Dr. Decay's Toxic Quarantine Club Secret Bar beckons you to embrace the unconventional, raise a glass to the unexpected, and become part of a world where radiation meets refreshment. All people in your group must be 21+ years old to enter.

Diablo's Lost Tequila Cantina - a secret bar of ancient relics, weathered maps, and artifacts that whisper tales of distant lands and forgotten lore. The dimly lit room resonates with the echoes of adventurers past, inviting you to join their ranks in uncovering hidden truths. The bar itself creates an atmosphere that bridges the gap between history and fantasy. Behind the bar, mixologists channel the spirit of discovery, concocting a selection of secret drinks that pay homage to the uncharted territories of taste. In this hidden sanctuary, time bends, allowing you to step into the shoes of adventurers and explorers. Diablo's Lost Tequila Cantina beckons you to raise a glass to the unknown, to savor secret flavors, and to become part of the legends that live within Bayville Scream Park's most enigmatic corner. Embark on a quest for flavor and intrigue, and discover the treasures that await within these walls. All people in your group must be 21+ years old to enter.

Step into a realm where tropical tiki vibes seamlessly blend with the eerie mysteries of the undead at Zombie Pirate’s Cursed Voodoo Lounge Secret Bar. As you enter through a hidden passage, you'll find yourself immersed in a world that defies expectations. Behind the bar, skilled mixologists craft a selection of secret drinks that tantalize the taste buds and evoke the spirit of adventure. The menu is a journey into the unknown, with ingredients that push the boundaries of tradition and flavors that transport you to far-off shores. The secret drinks are not only delicious but visually captivating, each sip a gateway to a world of immersive experiences. In this hidden sanctuary, time seems to stand still, allowing you to escape the ordinary and venture into a world where tiki meets the supernatural, and indulge in a secret oasis that's as unforgettable as it is mysterious. All people in your group must be 21+ years old to enter.

Massive terrifying facades extend across our park, making for a unique midway filled with actors, photo ops, shops, food, drinks, and even a full service restaurant: all there to entertain you while you explore the park. Step into the heart of exhilarating entertainment at the Chills & Thrills Arcade, a vibrant and captivating world nestled within Bayville Scream Park. Get ready to be swept away by a whirlwind of excitement and games that promise to ignite your senses and test your skills like never before. Test your aim, precision, and luck as you engage with a diverse array of games, each designed to keep you on your toes and your heart racing. The sound of laughter and the thrill of competition create an atmosphere of camaraderie and excitement, where friends and family bond over shared victories and near-misses. The Chills & Thrills Arcade at Bayville Scream Park is not just a sideshow – it's an integral part of the experience, a place where the joy of arcade games collides with the eerie ambiance of the haunted attraction. It's a world of laughter, challenges, and shared excitement, where the thrill of the games intertwines with the immersive atmosphere of Bayville Scream Park, creating a night you'll remember for years to come.

Welcome to Shipwreck Haunted Tavern, a haven of nautical mystique nestled within the heart of Bayville Scream Park. Step into a world where the tales of the sea meet the allure of the unknown, and where the ambiance of a shipwreck comes alive in every corner. As you cross the threshold, you'll find yourself transported to the remnants of a sunken vessel, reclaimed by the ocean's depths. The tavern's interior boasts weathered wood, salvaged artifacts, and maritime curiosities that tell stories of seafaring adventures and untold mysteries. The atmosphere is alive with the spirit of maritime lore. Lanterns sway gently, casting an ethereal glow that dances upon the walls adorned with nautical charts, netting, and remnants of forgotten voyages. The sound of distant waves seems to echo in the background, enhancing the illusion of being adrift on a forgotten sea. Behind the bar, skilled bartenders channel the spirit of mariners, crafting an array of libations that pay homage to the ocean's treasures. The menu extends beyond the drinks, offering a selection of maritime-inspired delicacies that satisfy both the palate and the imagination. Patrons gather in groups, swapping stories of legendary sea creatures, ghostly encounters, and the whispered secrets of the deep. In Shipwreck Tavern, time takes on a different rhythm, allowing you to immerse yourself in the lore of the sea and the enigmatic allure of the unknown. It's a place where maritime history mingles with tales of the supernatural, creating an atmosphere that invites you to escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. Whether you're seeking a moment of respite from the park's thrills or yearning to become part of a maritime myth, Shipwreck Haunted Tavern welcomes you to explore the depths of its ambiance and indulge in a maritime experience that's as captivating as it is mysterious.

Onsite 50's Diner that serves pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, chicken sandwiches, homemade ice cream, soft serve ice cream, and fantastic sundaes.

Add a Zombie Axe Throwing Mini Game to your experience. $10 gets you 10 opportunities to hit a bullseye from throwing 1.5lbs of steel and wood.

Add an extravagant 18 holes of zombie pirate mini golf to your experience. This attraction navigates you through waterfalls, caves, pirate ships, and virtually every nook of the park.

Take a seat in our hauntingly atmospheric movie theater, where the screen comes alive with horror classics and bone-chilling films. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of terror, surrounded by fellow thrill-seekers, as the flickering images and spine-tingling soundtracks create an unforgettable experience. 'The Scare Zone' movie theater awaits, offering a night of entertainment that will leave you on the edge of your seat and craving more.

Date and Time:

12:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m: October 9, 2023
7:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m: October 12, 2023, November 5, 2023
7:00 p.m - 1:00 a.m: October 13, 20, 27, 2023
12:00 p.m - 1:00 a.m: October 14, 21, 28, 2023
12:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m: October 15, 22, 29, 2023
7:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m: October 17-19, 24-26, 30, 2023
7:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m: October 31, November 3, 2023
12:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m: November 4, 2023


Bayville Scream Park
8 Bayville Avenue
Bayville, NY 11709

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